
Accounts & AGM

In October 2022 we held our first in-person AGM for members and supporters since 2019 at The Queens Hotel, Chester..

It was great to get back together again, and we had an inspirational talk from member Sara Crosland about her book 'Sickbed to Summits' in which she demonstrated that with determination a lot can be achieved after a brain injury – see Newsletter Article.

We then had the formal business meeting at which our Interim Chair, Beth fisher gave her report on surviving the pandemic and reported on the resignation of Dr Crawford Thomas as Chair. Beth handed over to Secretary to Trustees Nick Ankers, who gave a brief summary of the work done since the last meeting.

In the absence of Treasurer Bent Thexton, Ian Skaife former treasurer gave a presentation summary of the last four years accounts and the levels of current funding. This showed that we managed to survive the pandemic and loss of two key employees but are now out the other side and have funding to allow the charity to restart member meetings and social events.

Copies of the minutes of the meeting and financial presentation are below.

HIP in Cheshire
© 2011-2025 – HIP in Cheshire
Registered Charity No. 1162365