
What We Do

To see what our members get from our work, and to find out more watch this video


HIP in Cheshire (Registered Charity 1162365) provides information, local social activities, courses and mutual support to people with acquired brain injuries, their families, friends and carers. The charity holds monthly coffee mornings throughout Cheshire where members can meet new friends, socialise and support each other. We hold regular social outings to popular attractions in the county such as National Trust venues, popular cities and local museums. We also hold a celebration event in the summer and at Christmas. We receive no core funding as a charity so rely solely on individual donations to fund our core aim: ensuring no one living in Cheshire with an acquired brain injury is lonely or isolated.

Our biggest aim is to reduce isolation and loneliness of anyone living in Cheshire with an acquired brain injury. Some members may only choose to come along to the monthly coffee mornings where they can meet friends, have a coffee and chat. Other members take full advantage of all our activities – attending the social trips and social events on offer. For some this is the only social opportunities they have and therefore depend on us for friendship and company.

We also offer our members the opportunity to learn new skills through the courses we offer. Our members tell us what courses they feel they would most benefit from and we aim to provide them where possible. The popular courses are 'Cooking on a budget', 'Photography for beginners', 'Art and Craft', 'Drawing and Sketching' and 'Information Technology'. The courses are tailored to suit their needs and are informal and fun.

HIP in Cheshire
© 2011-2025 – HIP in Cheshire
Registered Charity No. 1162365