
Book: Mindfulness and Stroke

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Frances Vaughan and Jody Mardula have co-authored a wonderful book entitled Mindfulness and Stroke: A personal Story of Managing Brain Injury. Here is an overview by Frances with details on how to purchase the book and the forthcoming virtual book launch:

I retired from clinical work two years ago, and was planning to finish a couple of writing projects as I wound down towards retirement... One of them was a slow-burn book project that Jody Mardula and I had been working on for years. Jody was the director of the mindfulness centre at Bangor University until she had a subarachnoid haemorrhage, and the book is about her brain injury. Suddenly, last year, we had a publisher and a deadline, and I did a lot of very fast writing!

Our book 'Mindfulness and Stroke: A Personal Story of Managing Brain Injury' was published just as we went into lockdown – terrible timing!

We wrote it for people living with the often hidden difficulties caused by a stroke or other brain injury, their caregivers, and professionals. The first part is Jody's story of her stroke, her journey towards recovery, and how she used her mindfulness practice in managing her difficulties. My part contains a broad and (hopefully) uncomplicated neuropsychological explanation of the difficulties Jody had, how she came to terms with them, and some advice and guidance around specific problems.

We hope that Jody's story and our ideas about to how to cope with difficulties will be helpful, both practically and emotionally, for anyone living with the aftermath of a stroke or other brain injury.

You can Look Inside on Amazon and see the first few chapters of Jody's writing. There is also a wonderful foreword from Mark Williams ...

We are having an online book launch on Tuesday 7th of July 6-8pm, which is free and open to anyone who registers in advance. The publishers have arranged a special discount on the book for people who attend the launch.

Event details:

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