
Survivor's Story

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I had been involved in a serious road collision and had multiple injuries.

I was also told by the consultant that I'd received a brain injury as I had been trapped in the car for an hour and had had difficulties breathing.

I didn't really feel any different; it was only when I was asked simple questions and I couldn't answer, that I did think maybe there was something amiss! I also realised that I couldn't read my texts messages and I certainly couldn't reply as the letters just didn't make sense. Thankfully this only lasted a few days and I was reading and replying to texts.

Following my release from hospital I had a visit from a lady from the Brain Injury Team, we talked through my injuries and even talked about eventually returning to work. The next time she phoned to make an appointment I had been admitted to Arrowe Park Hospital after suffering a stroke. I had lost the use of my right arm and leg, fortunately by day three the use had returned, but had left them feeling numb. In terms of brain injury, this was a bit of a double whammy!!

I had several visits from the Brain Injury Team, who were able to give me helpful tips for dealing with my lack of memory and dealing with everyday life generally. I also attended some group sessions which were really useful, it was very interesting to listen to people who had the same kind of injuries and the ways in which they dealt with them and adapted.

The team were very helpful in negotiating a phased return back to work. My role can sometimes be very stressful and my confidence had suffered a big blow. I was able to get the support and reassurance I needed, and would say I am approximately 90% there, and I am working on the other 10%.

Apart from having 2 babies, I have had very little experience of the NHS, and I can honestly say that from the acute care to the aftercare I received from Physio Therapy, to the Brain Injury Team, my experience had been a very positive one.


I didn't feel any different, others close to me both friends a family noticed a big change in my personality.

Be prepared to accept any help and advice that is offered.

Thank you to our member for sharing their story.

HIP in Cheshire
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